Sara Vanderheyden is a Belgian singer active with various projects. During 2017 she signed a contract with Epictronic for the production of her debut solo album. Subsequently, Finnish songwriter and producer Ville Oravala decided to join the project and support Sara with his unique songwriting and production skills. During the last months of the year, Sara recorded some songs at Titans Lab Studio in Italy with the help of Ville Oravala and Riccardo Daga. This second single is the result of this cooperation.
Video Direction: Tom Swinnen
Artwork and Photography: Tom Swinnen
Publishing: Carlo Bellotti Publishing / Warner Chappell Holland B.V.
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Udo Dirkschneider Live @ Rockpalast 2018
Udo Dirkschneider, born in Wuppertal in 1952, is one of the German metal musicians who was internationally known early, alongside the Scorpions and Doro Pesch. His band Accept gets talked about especially in the eighties, their album “Balls To The Walls” sells like hotcakes.
Udo Dirkschneider becomes a genre icon due to his grater voice and his compact stature. In 1987 he leaves Accept in Friendship and founds the band UDO, where he is the only constant. Also with UDO lives Dirkschneider his love for classical heavy metal and is traveling internationally with the band.
Oliver Jones – Ugly (ft. Mello D)
Oliver Jones drops his new video for the track titled ‘Ugly’ with a little help from Mello D. With a harsh heart and hard lyrics, Oliver drops a soul-sorte with the mind of madness and heart of purity. Visually dark and mindfully dirty, ‘Ugly’ is ugly in that it scrapes the scab off and exposes the truth. In a world of honesty, we can honestly say that this, in fact, is something beautiful. however, in the real world, it is something to fear. But, when those of us expose the truth in themselves the become leaders, or at least what leaders should be. And, by saying that, Oliver is a leader with his music.
Oliver Jones announces himself in explosive style with his debut single Ugly… the combined debut breakout release from fledgling record label powerhouse Pyro Music MGT. Taken from the forthcoming album also entitled Ugly, Jones delivers a brutally honest account of his life tribulations in which he lays his deepest emotions bare.
Produced, composed & arranged by long-time collaborator Mello D – Ugly arrives accompanied by a visceral visual narrative directed by Adam Al Sened (dLO Media). The cinematic visuals serve to compliment Ugly’s dark and sinister themes, seeing Jones portray a troubled alter-ego whose story goes from bad to worse as a night on the town unfolds.
Discussing his debut release, Jones states:
“I wrote Ugly at a time where things were really going wrong for me as life’s pressures became all-consuming. Instead of playing the blame game, I thought I’d reflect on where I stood, and the part I was playing in the situations I was finding myself in. I’ve always been real & seek to convey the truth in my music, but that can’t just be exclusive to portray me in a positive light, I’ve got to be honest with myself & my mistakes in life”.
In addition to the single release of Ugly, the South London native has also announced the album also entitled Ugly is scheduled for release later this year.
connect_icut – Simonson
In his music, connect_icut (real name Samuel Macklin) aims to remove the distinctions between instinct and intellect, chaos and order, organic and synthetic, analog and digital. This work may be deemed ‘glitch’ or ‘post-digital’, but one thing is for sure – this is a mixture of melodic elements and rarefied abstraction with intense modulations that flare up between the cracks of mysterious geometrical passages.
Releasing music since 2005, some of it has met with significant success. The Wire Magazine commented that it was “always involving – and easily rewarding enough to make getting up and turning the record over an anticipatory pleasure”. Thurston Moore and Byron Coley (via Arthur Magazine) also noted this music “takes a lot of standard ‘pretty’ electronic practices and flops them over on their sides… There’s pop crafting here, but it’s subtle and allowed to evolve in its own darkly idiosyncratic way”.
connect_icut released ‘Crow & Kittiwakes Wheel and Come Again’ (2013) and ‘Small Town by the Sea’ (2014), both via Aagoo Records, to wide acclaim, followed by ‘Rage Coma’ (2017). While those albums were mostly created using computer software, this new EP is essentially a test recording for a new all-hardware set-up.
Whereas other electronic music producers making the software/hardware switch have simultaneously adopted an analog-only approach, connect_icut remains firmly rooted in the digital realm. The six extended tracks collected here delve into the granular synthesis techniques developed by computer music pioneers like Curtis Roads, Barry Truax, and Guy Reibel – only without using a computer, as such.
This music also differs from that of the aforementioned pioneers in its rawness and spontaneity. The source sounds were created with whatever was at hand, which usually turned out to be a Casio SK-1 toy sampler. The finished tracks are both proof-of-concept test runs and seat-of-the-pants improvisations. Somewhere along the line, this resulted in surprisingly beautiful music.
It anchors all manner of chaotic abstraction in a solid foundation that is fundamentally grounded in hands-on performance and spontaneous composition. Live connect_icut appearances have included support slots for a number of notable electronic artists including Oneohtrix Point Never and Loscil.
In support of this new release, connect_icut also presents the video for ‘Simonson’, emphasizing radiant pixels and glowing digital abstraction.
‘Music for Granular Synthesizer’ will be released via Aagoo Records on November 24 on triple cassette and can be ordered on Aagoo’s website and also digitally via Bandcamp.