This booze-loving Tokyo-based 5-piece – Australian, American and 3 Japanese – garage rock’n’roll band was formed midway through 2008 by Jude (guitar) and Mike (vox) and two years later were featured on the front cover of Japanzine after winning the magazine’s nation-wide battle of the bands with their 2010 EP track “Hey…What You Want?”.
More recently a number of their tracks from 2014 debut album “Heckling the Dawn” have been used for the Skateboarding Japan podcast while their tune “The Whiskey” is the theme music for drinkers and skaters delight podcast Got Faded Japan.
Prior to this, in August 2012 they embarked on a 10-day tour of New York where they played Manhattan hot spots Bowery Electric and Piano’s as well as New Haven’s Elm Bar and a handful of basement and loft parties in Brooklyn – before this trip 2 members had never been outside Japan.
Brooklyn’s Ishmael Osekre, an organizer of the festival Aputumpu, had this to say after seeing The Mootekkis at a Bushwick loft party: “This was pure rock’n’roll in a way that most people around here haven’t seen for a long time…it was just amazing.”
The Mootekkis have had the good fortune of having a lot of good people behind them. In 2013 they crowdfunded their debut album and in 2014 they finished in the top 10 of Tokyo’s 126 bands trying to earn a spot at Summer Sonic thanks to immense local and foreign support.
They’re truly humbled and wholly committed to giving rock’n’roll lovers something new with decades of respect for what has come before.
The Mootekkis are:
Mike (vocals)
Jude (rhythm/lead)
Koji (rhythm/lead)
Yo’cchan (bass)
Takahiro (drums)
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Beauty in Chaos – Temple of Desire (Box Cutter Mix)
Beauty in Chaos has just released their new video for the remix track titled ‘Temple of Desire (Box Cutter Mix)’, from the new album ‘Out Of Chaos Comes…’.
Marked as much of a departure in the video style as much as a stylistic shift in music for Beauty in Chaos, as a project, ‘Temple of Desire (Box Cutter Mix)’ not so much amps up the beauty in said chaos but takes it completely out of the box and the norm. Almost to the point that it is unrecognizable. This is what I love about groups such as Beauty in Chaos; the first rule is there are no rules.
While the video may have more of a stripped and down to earth feel, the music goes in somewhat of a different direction by combining beat driven effects and an enhanced groove with Rafe Pearlman’s lush and gorgeous vocal track combined with Tyler Bate’s groove/melodic guitar.
Divergence never felt so unifying.
‘Out Of Chaos Comes… is now available on vinyl (8 tracks), CD (14 tracks), and digitally (27 tracks). The full digital version is included with an LP / CD purchase. Limited-edition colored vinyl also includes an exclusive cover-art poster, signed by many of the artists involved. It can be ordered in its various formats on their official store HERE.
Check out our other features with Beauty in Chaos HERE.
As ‘Beauty Re-Envisioned’ was the counterpart to Beauty In Chaos’ debut release, ‘Out Of Chaos Comes…’ is the counterpart to ‘’The Storm Before The Calm’. 27 diverse remixes and reinterpretations by an equally diverse and talented mix of producers, artists, and deejays. The second video/single from the album is Tyler Bates’s Box Cutter Mix of “Temple Of Desire”.
BIC’s curator, Michael Ciravolo adds “I really enjoyed the process the first time of handing over the keys and seeing where others took those songs that I was so close to, so I figured why not give it another go!”. In addition to Tyler Bates; BIC enlisted The Cure’s Roger O’Donnell, Marilyn Manson’s Paul Wiley, former Mission, and Peter Murphy guitarist Mark Gemini Thwaite, and John Fryer of 4AD fame among others for ‘Out Of Chaos Comes…’.
“Tyler has been a dear friend for over two decades and is one of the most talented hardest working people I know. I guess if there is a silver lining in the Covid-world we are currently in, it would be that Tyler had the time to do this remix. We had talked about it for ‘Beauty Re-Envisioned’ but the guy has major movies stacked up to complete.”. I really love what Tyler did with the remix as he both condensed and expanded it!
When I came into the studio and played the original idea of the song to Michael Rozon, he immediately said we need to get Rafe to sing this one. Both he and Tyler had worked with Rafe in the past … and I trust both of these guys beyond. I could not be happier with what Rafe brought with this song. Musically it is a bit different from what I usually write, an odd alternating of major and minor chords; which takes the write vocalist to not only hear that but to enhance with their melody. Rafe hit it out the part’
Videos are really important to Beauty In Chaos, as we are not a typical ‘live’ band, so the videos are indeed the ‘face’ of BIC. I really strive to have each one unique and different from its predecessor. It’s certainly undeniable this new video is almost a polar opposite to ‘A Kind Cruelty’. Honestly, it’s sort of understated, lighthearted visual is way different from any of our other videos and I love that! It certainly sets up the pendulum to swing back hard on the next one which we plan for a December release. Hats off again to Vicente Cordero for making this one happen.”.
Michael Ciravolo“Music is very personal to me, so it’s rare that I remix or re-imagine another artist’s music. But after decades of sharing our musical experiences through friendship, I was thrilled when Michael Ciravolo urged me to create a new expression of “Temple of Desire,” that is truly my own. The original song is already amazing, so the bar was a high mark to reach, but. Rafe Pearlman’s evocative lyrics and soulful vocal performance inspired me to explore a new dimension for this track. I love both versions!”
Tyler Bates (musician/Film-TV composer).“I love the blend of passion and coolness with a good dose of humor and lightheartedness. makes it a bit more real and honest. and the covid masks are hilarious. sets it in this whacked moment in time. Stoked to be a part of it”.
The ‘Box Cutter’ remix takes the song in a more condensed and esoteric direction, while the video offers an introspective, behind-the-scenes look. Tyler Bates, who also scored the music for Guardians Of The Galaxy, John Wick, and The Watchmen (among other films), notes,” Music is very personal to me, so it’s rare that I remix or re-imagine another artist’s music. But after decades of sharing our musical experiences through friendship, I was thrilled when Michael urged me to create a new expression of ‘Temple of Desire’ that is truly my own. The original song is already amazing, so the bar was a high mark to reach, but Rafe Pearlman’s evocative lyrics and soulful vocal performance inspired me to explore a new dimension for this track. I love both versions!”
Beauty in Chaos is curated by guitarist Michael Ciravolo, who also happens to be President of Schecter Guitars. With the original version found on ‘The Storm Before The Calm’ LP, this version also features producer Michael Rozon (Ministry) on keys and Gil Sharone (Marilyn Manson) on drums. Directed by Vicente Cordero of Industrialism Films, this video was filmed on location at Tyler Bates’ Abattoir Studio in Studio City, CA.
“I always strive so that each of our videos has a different look and feel. I love the simplicity of this video, which is further accented by Vicente’s use of black & white. It is certainly the polar opposite of our last video ‘A Kind Cruelty’ (The Sinistrality Mix)’, says Michael Ciravolo.
“I’ve known Tyler since his days in Pet and he quickly became one of my best friends. Along with BIC producer Michael Rozon, Tyler is one of the best all-around musicians I know. It has been a joy to watch him become one of the biggest composers in film and television. I give them both all the credit of introducing Rafe Pearlman to our BIC Family. I didn’t know what to expect from Rafe in this video as a performer, but he proved to be quite expressive and engaging. I think this video captures an element of fun in making music. Hell, even the name of the remix is a bit of an inside joke! About the next video, it will be out before the holidays and the pendulum will swing 180!”
On the ‘Out of Chaos Comes…’ LP, BIC turns the creative reins over to an extremely talented cast of producers, artists and DJs, including Tim Palmer (The Mission, U2, David Bowie), John Fryer (Cocteau Twins, HIM, Depeche Mode), The Cure’s Roger O’Donnell, EDM star Bentley Jones, and Marilyn Manson guitarist Paul Wiley.
Earlier, Beauty in Chaos previewed Tim Palmer‘s ‘A Kind Cruelty’ (The Sinistrality Mix)’, featuring Curse Mackey (Pigface, My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult, Evil Mothers) on vocals and an appearance by guitarist Simon Hinkler (The Mission).
The full 27-track collection (available on CD) is deep and diverse and includes a few surprises. Ashton Nyte’s gorgeous acoustic version of ‘The Outside’, Cinthya Hussey (whose beautiful painting also graces the cover) does a beautiful rendition of ‘The Delicate Balance Of All Things’, and an acoustic/mellotron drenched ‘Memory Of Love’ from Human Drama’s Johnny Indovina. You will even find some new and fantastic guitar moments from The Mission’s Simon Hinkler, Richard Fortus (Guns N’ Roses), Mark Gemini Thwaite (Peter Murphy. The WonderStuff), and Nick Johnston.
“TEMPLE OF DESIRE” (Box Cutter Mix) was created by TYLER BATES
written by R. Pearlman / M. Rozon / M. CiravoloIntro interlude written by Tyler Bates
Rafe Pearlman: vocals
Michael Ciravolo: guitar
Tyler Bates: guitar, synth, guitar viol
Tish Ciravolo: bass
Gil Sharone: drumsDirected by Vicente Cordero / Industrialism Films
Filmed on location at Abattoir Studio in Studio City, CAThe original version of “Temple Of Desire” appears on ‘The Storm Before The Calm”; available from 33.3 Music Collective –
recorded, mixed, and produced by Michael Rozon.LINKS: -
Indoor Creature – Ocean Blue
Jammerzine has an exclusive interview with Caleb Fleischer from the up-and-coming indie original known as Indoor Creature. We also get the added bonus of their brand new video, released today, titled ‘Ocean Blue’.
In today’s exclusive, we get a glimpse of music promotion and continuing that original indie magic in the (hopefully) tail-end of the COVI-19 pandemic as well as the power of the introvert. That sounds like a weird combination, I know, but you have to hear it to understand it.
We speak with Caleb about the beginnings of Indoor Creature as well as how they come up with that sound that is signature Indoor Creature as well as their new video and the makeup and individual contributions of each member and how that culminates to the creative whole.
Click HERE to listen to the interview.
Indoor Creature’s new video is a quirky cinematic love story between a man and his ocean. Done in said style of the Indoor, ‘Ocean Blue’ is a stylistic quasi-light-prog-easy-rock poem for the introvertedly mused and the ecstatically sublime. This will put a smile on your face and hook in your head.
About Indoor Creature
Indoor Creature’s music can make your mom cry. It’s happened, and they’re flattered but would also like to apologize.
Formed in 2015, Indoor Creature has grown from a duo to a pack of six, and together the Austin-based band has played over 100 shows and two national tours. Their distinctly dreamy, jazz-inspired sound artfully contrasts lyrics that tackle topics most pop songs don’t dare to wrestle with. They explore feelings associated with growing up and up, respond to current events, and delve into their dreams, all things you’d do with a good friend while lying on the floor, staring upward. In this room, the floor and the ceiling are Indoor Creature, grounding you to reality while simultaneously inviting you to think of what could be.
Indoor Creature is set to release their third album “Living in Darkness” in 2021 on The Record Machine. In the meantime, you can find them around Austin, online, and newly in trading card form.
The Neighbourhood @ Lollapalooza Brazil 2018
0:54 Prey
5:23 You Get Me So High
8:37 Afraid
13:04 Wires
16:46 24/7
21:14 Wiped Out
28:55 Daddy Issues
33:41 Scary Love
37:52 Stuck With Me
42:16 Flowers
45:52 Cry Baby
50:06 Void
53:48 Sweater Weather
58:03 R.I.P 2 My Youth