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Vix 20 – Try Again

VIX 20 return to Goosewing Music with the punchy new single “Try Again”. Following in the wake of previous power pop outings “Digital Age” and “Hashtag Change”, “Try Again” harnesses the thrills of rough-edged seventies pub rock songwriting and turbocharges it with twenty-first-century punk energy.

A complete back to roots for Vix after the electronica of their last single ‘Tron Takes the Train’. This was the first song CJ and Mills wrote together which paved the way for Vix 20 incarnation. The track was originally due out in April but Keyworker commitments kept the boys away from music and now more than ever ‘Try Again’ takes on a deeper relevance although originally penned as an homage to ‘Dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t’ keep patient, and try again!

Vix20 is Gary Mills and CJ, two music industry veterans who grew so disillusioned with the state of every element of the music industry that they both walked away vowing not to return…fast forward a few years, now rejuvenated, though no less prickly about the Modern Age, they return, to quote the band themselves, “we’re hard rockers turned to the dark side of pop”


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