
Aura Davis Premieres ‘Die Alone’ Single (The Week in #Indie Segment)

Aura Davis has released her new single and video titled ‘Die Alone’. A solid mix of electronica, power-beat, piano, and that original something that Aura has within her voice. Her voice is captivating on many levels. A combination o angelic and experience. Add to that a solid monster of a hook and you have her new single ‘Die Alone’. Beautifully crafted in its dark and somber overtone, the song is clearly a stylistic evolution for Aura. She will be one to watch…. and listen to.


Watch the full episode HERE.

Click HERE to watch Season 7 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 6 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 5 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 4 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 3 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 2 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 1 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.

Flor and the Sea Premiere ‘A Candid Lie’ Video (The Week in #Indie Segment)

Flor and the Sea have officially released their new video titled ‘A Candid Lie’. As if filmed in a different era where people could convene in harmony and not intervene for quarantine, ‘A Candid Lie’ surrounds the current state of things with a sonic atmosphere of inclusion and infusion of love and endurance in that ‘you are not alone’ and, after we survive, we should remember to thrive.

In regards to the album ‘Kings & Queens’, Grandiose is scope from that first track (A Candid Lie), and continuing the solid set of hooks throughout, this ambitious set of songs sets a style and mood within the confines of the audio that show Flor and the Sea as impressive songwriters as much as expressive artists.

While each track fits in the overall sound, each has its own personality traits that range from introspection to extroversion and everywhere in between. Progression and virtuosity in the guise of mainstream pop.

Click HERE to watch Season 6 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 5 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 4 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 3 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 2 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 1 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.


The songs of Flor and the Sea’s debut EP Kings & Queens invite their listeners to surrender themselves to the stream of music: to dream, to dance and to defy the world’s insistent tumult for a moment. Rich in stylistic fusion, pop elements meld with electronica references throughout their songwriting, inviting a host of esoteric influences from dubstep to synth pop to trap to join them. It’s a melting pot of style that recalls the work of Flume, Miike Snow or Alt-J.

Co-produced by composer Dieter Dolezel and mixed by Moritz Enders (Casper, Kraftclub), the songs are a multidimensional exploration of sound. From the lilting, mythology-evoking arpeggios of ‘Arcadia’ to the propulsive electro ambiance of ‘Dark Minds’, and the bleak dystopian piano keys chiming throughout ‘Reconnect’, Kings & Queens reveals a restless group with a unique musical chemistry, one not keen on traveling the same musical road twice.

Munich-based indie/electropop duo Flor and the Sea was originally founded in 2015 as a five-piece project. With the release of debut singles ‘Hold Your Breath’ and ‘Shed No Tear’, as well as bigger live gigs at Digital/Analog Festival and the Muffat Winterfest among others, the band generated a lot of buzz in short time and was featured as ‘Band of the Week’ by the Suddeutsche Zeitung/SZ Junge Leute in early 2017. After the band split up later that year, Marc Aretz (guitar/synth) and Chaem (vox) decided to keep Flor and the Sea alive as a duo.

They redesigned their sound from scratch, incorporating influences from bands like Alt J, Radiohead, and Portishead. The singles ‘Dark Minds’ and ‘Reconnect’ were birthed from the rubble and led to widespread acclaim, receiving regular airplay on radio stations like Ego-FM, Bayern 3, M94.5, and BR Puls, and landing positive reviews on international blogs like Composer’s Toolbox and York Calling. Capping it all, the duo performed live on Radio Fritz ‘Live on Air’ for the first time.

Alongside the production of their debut EP Kings & Queens, Flor and The Sea also resumed live performances in 2019 and put together an elaborate new program with their own light show, visuals, masks, and the support of additional live musicians. The first taste of this show was presented at renowned festivals Theatron Musiksommer and Sound of Munich Now in 2019.


An Interview with Salem’s Childe (The Week in #Indie Segment)

Salem’s Childe has officially done a Jammerzine exclusive interview! And why I announced it in that way and am so excited about this particular interview is the fact that I know these guys personally and have even been in bands with one of them. Salem’s Childe is a band that I have followed from the inception. And one thing I can vouch for above all else is this is a band that is going about its musical career path on its own terms. And you will hear some of that in this interview.

One thing I must say before you listen is that, because I know these guys, this is more of a conversation than an interview. Sometimes that happens. But, I feel that is a good thing because we cover a lot of ground about Salem’s Childe but, unlike most interviews, we get to know about the minds behind the music as people. And these are good people. You will get to know a little more about why Salem’s Childe is the band that they are.

The new album by Salem’s Childe titled ‘The Sin That Saves You’ will release on October 9, 2020, via Pavement Entertainment.

Click HERE to watch Season 6 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 5 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 4 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 3 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 2 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 1 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.


An Exclusive Interview With Miss Cantaloupe (The Week in #Indie Segment)

Jammerzine has an exclusive interview with Miss Cantaloupe front-woman Christina Klaproth, aka Princess. What I love, because I was pleasantly surprised, about this interview is the sheer and vivid imagination behind this band of visual virtuosos is the lush and clear world created around the music of Miss Cantaloupe. It’s, how should I say, Cantaloupian.

And, with that said, you too can get a glimpse of this and the music with this exclusive interview with Christina where she discusses the minds behind the music, the vision, the new and upcoming music, and how it all comes together.

We also get a first look at Miss Cantaloupe’s new video for the track titled ‘Sunshine Daydream’. Filmed before the lockdown, ‘Sunshine Daydream’ shows how things will be again with a bright and beautiful travelogue that fits the gorgeous and wonderfully personal video that captures that easygoing and forward-reaching music that is Miss Cantaloupe with a broad array of musical instruments underlying and surrounding that angelic vocal track that is signature.

Click HERE to watch Season 6 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 5 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 4 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 3 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 2 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 1 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.


KnightressM1 Releases ‘Lock and Key’ (The Week in #Indie Segment)

KnightressM1 has just released her new video for the track titled ‘Lock and Key’. the addition as a violin as a frontal instrument is captivating enough. If gives the song a whole new set of tonality and range that would not be there if a guitar or keyboard handled those melodic duties. however, that adds much flavor to an already flavorful track that the video really does a symphonic justice to.

But what KnightressM1 delivers is a complete and full track with a visual aid that adds a new and original cinematic flare that otherwise would not be there had this been another artist.

As of August 17, ‘Lock & Key’ will be available across digital outlets such as Apple Music and streaming platforms such as SpotifyThe full ‘Dreams and Devastation’ LP is slated for release on September 25.

Click HERE to watch Season 6 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 5 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 4 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 3 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 2 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 1 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.


The Mojo Slide Releases ‘Not In My Name’ Single (The Week in #Indie Segment)

The Mojo Slide has released their new single titled ‘Not In My Name’.  Groove infected from the start and hook-laden throughout, The Mojo Slide show that the steady groove is the way to go with their latest single.

Guitar-driven and rhythm steered, ‘Not In My Name’ has that perfect chord construction that steers clear from the inside of the box musically and has a specific rhythm and definition lyrically that adds to the punctuation of the track itself.

Click HERE to watch Season 6 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 5 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 4 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 3 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 2 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 1 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.


An Interview with Darrel William Herbert (The Week in #Indie Segment)

Having his global beginnings with the band The Toadies and continuing that career with Tomorrowpeople, Darrel has also emersed himself in many other aspects of the music world including editing, songwriting, and scoring. Chances are you have heard his work even if you’re not a music listener.

And now we have an in-depth interview with Darrel about his beginnings, his gear, his adjustment to the lockdown and, most importantly, his debut solo album titled ‘An Unwelcome Moment of Clarity’, out October 9th as well as his new video, out today, titled ‘If you Still Believe’.

Unsigned artists around the world; heads up. This is how you diversify in the music industry and gain street cred. Just take a look and listen to this taster of things to come with this new video and song. Darrel is a true songwriter with a penchant for tone and respect for music as an art.

Click HERE to watch Season 6 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 5 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 4 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 3 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 2 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 1 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.


Black Bordello Releases Eponymous Album (The Week in #Indie Segment)

Black Bordello have released their eponymous album. A solid fusion of a little of everything from Fusion to vintage show and everything in between but one thing is for sure, this is all Black Bordello. In all of their glory. And this is what I love about #indie music. That unbreaking originality and melding of influences. This is the love of music put to record.

Click HERE to watch Season 6 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 5 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 4 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 3 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 2 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 1 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.


After a few years of gigging in and around London, Peckham’s Black Bordello is an established live force. Following a succession of well-received singles ( Spectre Man, Backache, Leeches ) The London group has released a full-length debut album that melds Vaudeville, Jazz, and Gothic Rock in one complete and overwhelming maelstrom.

Originally the project of Sienna Bordello, much of the album’s material dates back to Black Bordello’s 2017 inception, although it has now been honed to streamlined perfection. However, as the band’s line up has stabilized, a singular sound has emerged that fuses the band’s seemingly disparate influences.

Sienna’s influences come from across the board from “the loaded rebellion” of PJ Harvey and Poly Styrene to the emotional integrity of Bessie Smith and the post-modern vibe collages of Post Normal. The latter of which she was introduced to by her university lecturer the late, great writer Mark Fisher. “I sheepishly told him I couldn’t make music because i didn’t have any of the right ‘stuff’. He told me that was bollocks and showed me some bands who recorded at home without all the fancy gear and software, Garage Band and Audacity became my playground as I discovered there is no right way”

Of her own musical beginnings, Sienna says ” I got very into pre-war Jazz and started singing standards at the Jamboree in the Cable Street studios, where I later ended up illegally living. I would get up and sit with the band and sing a song or two, normally Billie Holiday or Bessie Smith, as dancers with day jobs partnered up and practiced swing dancing in hoards on the old scratched parquet floors. I had fun but it wasn’t always easy”

After Sienna’s scatting was deemed too experimental for the jazz standards group, she looked for a new musical vehicle. After bonding with keys player Andrew Marriott over similar fish tattoos at a Brockley party, Black Bordello swiftly took shape, with the group taking their name from Sienna’s family restaurant ‘Il Bordello’.

Now roughly 3 years after the band’s first show, a fully realized self-titled album is finally ready for release. From the Dreaming era of Kate Bush’s theatre of ‘Leeches’ to the heady prog swagger of ‘Prufrock’, a wild range of music is on show. ‘Baby’ is a noisy Jazz sprawl and ‘Spectre Man’ is as maudlin a ballad as you’re ever likely to hear. This is a vital debut album by one of the capitals most exciting new bands.


CloudRunners Premiere ‘The Only One’ (The Week in #Indie Segment)

CloudRunners have premiered their new song titled ‘The Only One’ right here on Jammerzine. As a bonus, we also get what is becoming rarer and rarer in the days of the pandemic and that is a video. What I get with that initial listen is a cross between the alternative progressiveness in the underground music scene in that wonderful but all-too-short era in music between 1989 and 1991 when we got absolutely original bands such as Live and School of Fish. This band is of that caliber and level in originality and musical personality. The song itself is a well thought out lesson in songwriting with a solid hook and imaginative vocal-harmony intense chorus.

Let CloudRunners be your next favorite artist.

Click HERE to watch Season 6 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 5 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 4 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 3 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 2 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 1 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.


The CloudRunners are a modern alternative rock band formed in Ventura, California in 2018, but band creators and brothers Chris and Nick have been working toward their music goals since long before that. Originally from Iowa City, Iowa, they have been writing, playing, recording, and producing original music since 2006. Unfortunately, most of that time they were half the country away from each other while going through college and taking their first jobs after graduation. They were finally able to join up again when they were both offered mechanical engineering positions for a satellite mechanisms company in southern California. There they met Peter, another mechanical engineer for the company who shared their goal of making a career in music.

The trio has been supported by other musician friends to fill out the band since they started in 2018. In two short years, they have gone from playing local bars on weekends to rocking California’s Ventura County Fair with Collective Soul, opening a show for Royal Bliss, and performing alongside Hinder. Their momentum took a hit when the coronavirus pandemic brought the music industry to a halt in early 2020, but the CloudRunners hardly let that stop them. While unable to play shows, they focused on building their own studio and recording original music.


Zenith Volt Premieres New Single ‘Hold On’ (The Week in #Indie Segment)

Zenith Volt has premiered the new single titled ‘Hold On‘ right here on Jammerzine. Starting off as an electronic burst of energy from the first note, this First Listen garners the attention with ecstatic energy and electric harmony in ways that only a true artist can muster. Designed for the dancefloor and mastered for the masses, ‘Hold On’ gives that certain something we all need to erode the isolation and ‘go through the motion’ and lets us ‘hold on to what we got’, which is each other. This is brilliance with bass.

Hold On” sounds like it could be written for these crazy modern times, as an anthem for the 20’s even this early on. What did you set out to write about when you started working on this track?

I actually started writing “Hold On” at the end of 2019 and it eerily fell right in line with my life as 2020 unfolded and society seemed to be tearing into itself. So naturally, it became more of an anthemic message about perseverance and the prodigious pursuit of the greater good. Essentially it asks the question, how do we get there? You have to HOLD ON.

The production is fantastic, a mix of the retro with a large modern sound (reminds me of MGMT’s “Oracular Spectacular”). Did you produce this yourself, who else did you team up on to create “Hold On”?

First off … glad you like it! All of the pre-production of the instrumentals and lyric composition was done solely by myself in my home studio on Maui. And then when I was ready to get final vocal takes I met up with my good friend Eric Scullin in LA and together we dug deeper into the mixing process and unearthed a banger.

Lastly, I wanted to touch on Hawaii as your home base. Each part of the country has certainly always had its own feel but especially nowadays those differences are becoming more distinct. I once heard that the weather is always so nice in Hawaii that people lose their grasp on reality haha. Does your music even fit into the physical world, or is the Zenith Volt universe more transcendent?

To your observation, in my own words, I refer to Hawaii as my home planet. It is a great place that seems to work hand in hand with the ethereal sound and aesthetic that is Zenith Volt. I’m definitely writing what I feel with my full senses when I am home on an island…. wide open spaces / starry nights / long horizons / a readily available grasp of infinity. I feel like music, in general, is pulled from The Great Beyond by artists, and reconstructed into an earthy form, so at its core, it’s dually rooted in transcendence AND reality.

When life and love have the inability to serve as waypoints for one’s own universal existence there is only one thing to do… Hold On. Instability can only exist when harmony feels as if its too far down the road. As long as we hold on we will make it. Don’t ever let go…

Click HERE to watch Season 6 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 5 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 4 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 3 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 2 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.
Click HERE to watch Season 1 of Jammerzine’s ‘The Week in #Indie’.


Pulling sounds from retro and futuristic palates, Zenith Volt constructs an ethereal reality, attuned to the openness, enormity and unpredictability of the expanding universe, and the unknown that ever lies ahead.

Writing, recording, and broadcasting auditory reverberation across the universe from the island of Maui, Hawaii.


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